Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

  • KAVA's trading volume has increased 5% in the past 24 hours.

  • POLY's trading volume has climbed 12% in the past 24 hours.

  • ETN is at a value point that could generate significant returns.

Kava is a cross-chain decentralized financing platform (DeFi) that enables users to borrow USDX stablecoins and deposit other cryptocurrencies for returns.

Polymath is a technology that enables developers to create, issue, and manage security tokens on the blockchain.

Electroneum is a cellphone-based cryptocurrency platform that offers an instant payment system solution launched in September 2017.

Should You Buy Kava (KAVA)?

On December 6th, Kava (KAVA) was valued at $ 3.53.

To get a better idea of what exactly this means for the token, we'll compare its current value to its all-time high as well as its November performance.

Kava hit its all-time high on August 30th when the token hit a value of $ 9.12. Here we can see that the token was up $ 5.59, or 61%, at its ATH value point.

In terms of November performance, the ETN token was valued at $ 6.26 on November 2nd, which was the highest value of the month.

Its lowest value was on November 28th when the token fell to $ 4.66. This shows that the value of the token has fallen by $ 1.6, or 25%.

Although the value of the token has fallen to $ 3.53, there remains a cheap entry point for buyers.

KAVA has the potential to grow in value to $ 4 by the end of December, making it a solid buy.

Should You Buy Polymath (POLY)?

On November 6th, Polymath (POLY) was valued at $ 0.50.

To get a better idea of what exactly this means for the token, we'll compare its current value to its all-time high as well as its November performance.

Polymath hit its all-time high on February 20, 2019 when it hit a value of $ 1.59. Here we can see that at its all-time high, the token was $ 1.09, or 218%, higher than it is today.

In terms of November performance, the bottom was on November 19th when POLY was worth $ 0.60.

Its highest value was on November 28th when the value of the token rose to $ 0.93. Here we can see that the value of the POLY token has increased by $ 0.33, or 55%.

With that in mind, we can expect POLY to hit $ 0.90 by the end of December, making it a solid buy mark.

Should You Buy Electroneum (ETN)?

On December 6th, Electroneum (ETN) was valued at $ 0.01.

To get a better idea of what exactly this means for the token, we'll compare its current value to its all-time high as well as its November performance.

Electroneum (ETN) hit its all-time high on January 6, 2018 with a value of $ 0.207. Here we can see that the token was up 1970% or $ 0.197 higher at its ATH value.

If we look at performance in November, the ETN peaked on November 10th when it hit $ 0.028.

Its lowest point was on November 11th when the token fell to $ 0.012. This indicates that the value of the token has fallen by 57%, or $ 0.016.

However, ETN has the potential to appreciate and we could see that the token could hit $ 0.03 by the end of December, making it an interesting buy.

However, if ETN falls below the $ 0.01 price range, it might be worth reconsidering.

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By Dov Herman

Dov is a Blockchain and Forex trading enthusiast, who spends most of his time trading and examining software who are related to cryptocurrencies and forex trading. You can follow on Dov’s reviews and articles here on TrustedBrokerz and across the web.